Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: 59871

Showing results 1 to 10 of 11
Big Horn Sheep Conservation. . . Partnering For Bighorn Sheep Conservation (panel 1) . Bighorn sheep populations across the American West nearly faded away forever in the early 1900s due to overhunting and the introduction of diseases from domes…
The spectacular Bitterroot Mountains northwest of Sula expose granite rocks of the Idaho batholith, a major geologic feature that consists of a series of igneous intrusions that pushed their way toward the surface between about 80 and 53 million y…
"Our people were camped in a kind of prairie along the Bitterroot River, a few miles upstream from the Medicine Tree. The place is called Ross' Hole now; the Indians then called it Kwtít Pupxm." —Pierre Pichette, Salish Tribal Eld…
Not a War Party On September 4th, 1805, T chliska-e-mee (Three Eagles) the father of Chief Victor and grandfather of Chief Charlo, left camp to scout the area, fearing there might be some Indian enemies around intending to steal horses, as w…
A Customary and Proper Welcome The Salish people gave the strangers many gifts during their brief encounter here at the Great Clearing. They gave their guests roots, berries, animal furs, and vital information about the trails and tribes …
Wherever you are in Montana, you stand in the pathway of Lewis and Clark. Their 1804-1806 expedition was a grand adventure: to investigate the people and resources of the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase and to seek a navigable passage across the…
(Three panels, presented left to right, make up this marker) While here at Ross' Hole, (Sula, Montana) on September 4th, 1805, William Clark wrote in his journal: "Those people recved us friendly, threw white robes over our sholders & smoked i…
Alexander Ross, of the Hudson Bay Company, with 55 Indian and white trappers, 89 women and children and 392 horses, camped near here on March 12, 1824, enroute from Spokane House near present Spokane, Washington to the Snake River country in south…
Two adjacent markers which complement each other are treated as one marker. Lost Trail Pass "hills high & rockey on each Side, in the after part of the day the high mountains closed the Creek on each Side and obliged us to take on…
This marker is composed of three panels on a common support The Mystery May Never be Solved Experts disagree on the exact route Lewis and Clark took over this divide. No one knows where they camped on that cold snowy night of Septembe…