Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: 62246

Showing results 1 to 10 of 14
Lest We ForgetThis memorial is dedicatedto the men and women ofBond County who served inthe Armed Forces of theUnited States of America Dedicated Nov. 11, 1997 In memory of those fromBond County who gave their liveswhile serving their countr…
On this northwest corner of the square, the former Hotel Eureka (better known as the Franklin House) once stood. It served as the old stage coach house and was "the best house in town, two stories high, with a double porch on the front, and withal…
The building cost $15,000 and took 5 months to complete. "For the first time in Greenville's 119 years of history in which great progress was made in every other direction, the city really had its own building in which to conduct its business. In …
The earliest records show Samuel Colcord's Sorghum Mill once stood here. In 1870 Charles R. Bennett opened his new drugstore. Four drugstores were operating on the square during this time. It was Kate Benneett, Charles' wife, who prevailed on her …
This building used to be balanced by another more ornate one at the northern most part of the block. The old Post Office and the Cyclone Hose Company, Greenville's first First Station, were located in what was known as the Demoulin block before th…
Illinois Confederacy Indians roamed this prairie land, rich in game, which became Illinois County of Virginia. Ceded in 1784 to the United States it was successively included in the Northwest, Indiana; and in 1809, Illinois Territory. Formed in 18…
[East Face]In Memory of AllWho Followed the Flag From1861 to 1865Living and Dead.Erected 1903SHILOH [South Face]This monument is erectedby the Grand Army of the RepublicWomen's Relief Corps, Sons of Veteransand Other Patriotic Citizens of Bond …
Dedicated to the memory ofRonald Reagan, who spokeat this intersection onOctober 18, 1980,while campaigning for theUnited States Presidency.
This bank was established in August, 1869, by Charles Hoiles and Charles D. Hoiles. In December of 1895 the bank was incorporated as the State Bank of Hoiles & Sons with a capital of $25,000. In September, 1903, the capital stock was increased to …
S.B. Bulkley's first business here was in a frame business house in 1833. In 1840, he tore it down and rebuilt in brick. His clerk, Alexander Buie, later became his partner and the store was enlarged. Buie also sold Bibles in his store. When Danie…