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Erected in honor of theCitizens of Gentry Countywho served as Soldiers,Sailors or Marinesin the war againstGermany and her Allies
In Memoriam[Roll of Honored Dead]
National Register ofHistoric Places
Built - 1884Rededicated 1984————————This property has beenplaced on theNational Registerof Historic Placesby the United StatesDepartment of the Interior
Dedicated in memory of the soldiers who gave their lives for their country during
World War II[Roll of Honored Dead]
Korea[Roll of Honored Dead]
Vietnam[Roll of Honored Dead]
[Front]Gentry County, first formed in 1841, and fully organized in 1845, is named for Mo. Militia Maj. Gen. Richard Gentry, Colonel of Volunteers in the Florida War, hero of the Battle of Lake Okeechobee, 1837, in which he was killed. A roadside p…