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Drawing of church
of Kotosufka, Volhynia, Russia whose members left Russia in search of religious liberty, sixty-two families sailing on the "City of Richmond," landing in New York September 3, 1874, and in October arriving on this Quarter Sectin (S.W. Quarter Sec.…
The Mennonites came here because of their Anabaptist vision of the Christian faith and established Christian communities. Some wept as they said farewell to Russia and later, as they saw the endless miles of raw prairie, and encountered prairie fi…
Elder Jacob Stucky and Rev. Jacob D. Goering laid the foundation for orderly church life that centered in the Immigrant House and later in the Hopefield Church, Moundridge, Kansas. After some time the group began to disperse. Today, the following …
The Mennonites brought Turkey Hard Red Winter Wheat. The seeds were carefully selected, often kernel by kernel, frequently by grandparents and sometimes with the help of children. Many Mennonite families, here and in surrounding communities, manag…
The Memorial symbolizes our heritage of the Christian faith and expresses gratitude to God for His faithful leading.
The Pillar directs us Godward and suggests a tower of strength.
The Globe symbolizes the world populated by diverse and inte…
Anabaptism originated in Switzerland in 1525 during the Reformation under the leadership of Conrad Grebel, Felix Manz, Georg Blaurock, and others. Most Anabaptists were later named "Mennonites" in recognition of the leadership of Menno Simons, Dut…
Seventy-three families, the Mennonite Congregation of Kotosufka, left Russia on Aug. 6, 1874, under the leadership of Elder Jacob Stucky and Rev. Jacob D. Goering, at Liverpool, England. They embarked on the "City of Richmond," arriving in New Yor…
This Centennial Memorial, erected in gratitude to God, commemorates the coming to America of the Swiss-German Mennonites in the Fall of 1874 from Volhynia, a former Polish province, in the present Russian Ukraine. It symbolizes the Christian faith…
The parent of this tree is the centuries old oak on the island of Chortitza near Zaparozhye, Ukraine, on the site of a Mennonite settlement dating from 1789. Acorns were gathered on the 1997 Mennonite Heritage Tour led by Harley Stucky and Oswald …