Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: 74010

Showing results 1 to 10 of 15
[There are several dozen family histories on permanent markers on the plaza. One marker is transcribed, while the names on the other markers are listed for future reference] The Abrahams [on Panel 1]Only a little inquiry is needed to establish …
In 1895 a concrete walk was installed by the City of Bristow across Main Street at 7th Street. The sloping sides allow the wagons to cross the walk. When Main Street was paved in 1915 the walk was removed. Both the installation and removal were do…
By the authority of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States be it known that Comrades [Charter Members - see photos] having served honorably in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Air Force of the United States of America in foreign w…
The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #3656 and the Ladies Auxiliary of Bristow, Oklahoma, honor the men who served in the Spanish American War, World War I, World War II, Korea, and Vietnam, and especially the men listed below who made the supreme sa…
This U.S. Air Force propelleris dedicated toMajor Quince L. Brown,the 78th Fighter Group'sTop Ace of WWII (3-time Ace)First pilot to strafe with aP-47 (named Okie), he waskilled in action - Sept. 6, 1944
VFW Post 3656 dedicates thisU.S. Army Corporal Missilein memory ofCpl. Larry E. CaldwellU.S. ArmyKilled In ActionMar. 19, 1970 in Tam Ky Vietnam
This unusual building is one of the few surviving Art Deco buildings in downtown Vancouver. Its roofline an exuberant crenelated cornice built in cast concrete and designed in a curvilinear waterfall theme. Downing is best known as the architect o…
This M114 Armored Command Carrier isdedicated to Oklahoma's 45th Infantry(Thunderbird) Division that had inWorld War II 511 Combat Days,8 Campaigns.In the Korean War 429 Combat Days,4 Campaigns
Bristow VFW Post 3565 dedicatesthis 81mm Mortar toSgt.1C Donald J. Hurt,from Bristow, Co. G, 2nd Bn279th Inf, 45th Div. U.S. Army,who was killed in action in theKorean War April 10, 1952
Bristow V.F.W. Post 3656dedicates this WWI French 75mm Cannonto Cpl. Peter W. Klingensmith.First Bristow man killed in action in WWIand all other Doughboys who servedtheir country.