Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: 77807

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
El Camino Real. Also known as Old San Antonio Road and Old Spanish Trail. A trail of adventure, hardships, opportunity and freedom, over which history stalked into Texas. To the Spanish, El Camino Real was a road traveled for the king - to coloniz…
Staggers Point. About a Mile to the North was the Old Irish Settlement of. Earliest large community in Robertson's Colony. Settled by Irishmen who came to America in 1821; lived in South Carolina and then in Alabama; and in 1829 sent west an emiss…
Great thoroughfare of pioneer Texas, stretching 1,000 miles from Saltillo, Mexico, to present Louisiana. The general route followed ancient Indian and buffalo trails, but the oldest marked portion, known as "Trail of the Padres", was blazed in 169…