You searched for Postal Code: 79536
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
This burial ground is all that remains of the farming community of Compere, established in the 1880s on ranch land sold by the Compere brothers. In 1900, Daniel and Callie Palmer settled in the area along with their children: Henry, Wilder, Willia…
On Feb. 15, 1870, Cpl. Hilliard Morrow and five men of Co. E, 24th U.S. Infantry, set out from Fort Griffin to relieve guards at Mountain Pass mail station near here. Soon after arriving, however, they were besieged by a raiding party of 75 Comanc…
Maintained from 1858 to outbreak of the Civil War in 1861 as a stage stop on the Butterfield Overland Mail route, which was the first mail and passenger line to link the east and west coasts of the United States. In 1870's this was a stop for bran…
Born into an affluent Tennessee family, Cornelia Fort attended the Ward-Belmont School in Nashville and graduated from Sarah Lawrence College in New York in 1939. She returned to a society life in Tennessee but was soon introduced to flying by a f…
Human activity in this area has been traced to prehistoric eras. Native American tribes roamed this land with the buffalo, deer, turkey, mountain lion, and black bear. Among the first recorded ventures into the canyon were the Military Road Survey…
U.S. Mail Route
St. Louis to Los Angeles
1858 - 1861
Crossed at this point
Marked by
John Davis Chapter D.A.R.
One of major horse-drawn transportation projects of history. Was authorized by Act of Congress on March 3, 1857. Contract for semi-weekly service overland to San Francisco, California, was awarded to company headed by John Butterfield; another sto…