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[Marker Front - English Translation]:The present site of the Ysleta Neighborhood Health Clinic was part of the earliest Native American settlement associated with a Spanish Mission in the State of Texas, circa 1680 - 1750 A.D.
In 1989-1980, arc…
Although the exact building date for this adobe masonry structure is unknown, it appears to have been constructed during the 1870s for Benigno Alderete (1845-1916). Born in Ysleta (now part of El Paso), Alderete served at various times as a Texas …
Established byDon Antonio de OterminandFray Francisco Ayeta 1682Maintained byFranciscan missionariesfor the civilizing and Christianizingof the Tigua Indians,Pueblo Revolt refugees
Originally founded in 1613 at Isleta Pueblo, in New Mexico, and dedicated in 1621 as San Antonio De Isleta. Removed to El Paso area, 1680 (during Pueblo revolt), by Tigue Indians who brought along the Patron Saint as they accompanied fleeing Spani…
Approximate site ofthe Mission and Pueblo ofSan AntonioDe SenecuEstablished by Don Antonio De Otermin and Father Fray Francisco Ayeta. O.F.M. in 1682 - maintained by Franciscan missionaries for the civilizing and christianizing of Piro and Tompiro…
Born in Austin, Texas1856Killed by banditsJune 30, 1893near San Elizariowhile commandingCompany DTexas Rangers
Founded in 1682 By Don Antonio de Otermin and Padre Fray Francisco Ayeta O.F.M.for the civilizing and Christianizing of the Tigua Indians.
Pueblo Revolt refugees, formally located at La Ysleta,New Mexico. Building damaged by floods of the Rio …