Historical Marker Search

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
In honor of Major Charles L. Kelly, MSC, U.S. Army 1925 - 1964 Dust-Off Pilot Extraordinary Killed in action by small arms fire while attempting to approach a hot LZ near Vinh Long, Viet Nam on 1 July 1964 after being advised by ground el…
In honor of 1Lt Sharon A. Lane, ANC, U.S. Army 1943 - 1969 FAMC Staff Nurse, 1968 - 1969 Killed by enemy mortar round while serving with honor 312th Evac Hospital, Chu Lai, Viet Nam Only ANC Officer to die as a result of hostile fire in …
1917     1918 In Memory of the Officers Nurses and Enlisted Men of the Medical Department United States Army Who Lost Their Lives During the World War This Tablet is Erected by their Coworkers of the Medical Department
[Text in Italian ?]Text in English:The destructive fury of Vesuvius raged the 24th August in 79 a.C. Buried under three metres of ash, Pompeii suddenly stopped living. From the Forum to the Temple of Iside; from the House of the Faun to the Barrac…
Il Teatro Grande fu costruito nel II secolo II a.C., addossando la struttura ad una collina lavica e ristrutturato in epoca augustea. La cavea costituita da gradini in tufo o calcare, ospitava circa 5000 persone in tre zone separate da corridoi an…