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Dance PlazaThough the large alcove below is filled with Puebloan construction, there is no evidence of any habitation. The central pit - too large for domestic cook fires - held layer upon layer of ashes. Fire Temple's size and carefully crafted, …
Imagine this mesa top in A.D. 1150 with fields of corn, beans, and squash; supplemented with wild plants such as amaranth, tubers, and sunflowers. Children could be seen watering corn with clay water jars (ollas), and young men could be seen cutti…
As you travel about Mesa Verde look for seep springs — ready sources of fresh water for the Ancestral Puebloans.
Where is the Water?Moisture, in the form of rainfall or snowmelt, percolates through porous sandstone layers until it reaches…
The rocks that house Mesa Verde's cliff dwellings have their own stories to tell.
DepositionDuring the late Cretasceous period (about 90 million years ago) much of North America, including southwest Colorado and the present Rocky Mountains, was…
Adapting to AlcovesTo level the sloping alcove floor, the Anasazi filled in behind retaining walls. The altered floor not only supported rooms but also provided working space and a safe play area for children.
Oak Tree House appears to utilize…
Mesa-top and Alcove LivingAlthough the Puebloan used the cliff alcoves throughout the entire time they lived in Mesa Verde, the cliff dwellings themselves were not built until the final 75-100 years of occupation. For over 600 years these people l…
Surrounded by deep canyons, villages here seem isolated, cut off from people on other mesas. Look closely at these cliffs and imagine hand and toe trails pecked into the sheer sandstone. These vertical trails were the Anasazi's highways; steep cli…
On 5 January 1969, after a night of rioting and sustained police attacks on the Bogside, the words "You Are Now Entering Free Derry" were painted on the gable wall of 33 Lecky Road. This simple graffiti became the defining symbol of the civil righ…
There is an enormous gap between identifying pithouse features—the hollows and scattered stones—and visualizing the inhabitants' daily lives. Set in the four corner post holes, timbers supported a ceiling that was probably head-high. A…
National HistoricCivil Engineering Landmark[American Society of Civil Engineering1852 Logo]Prehistoric Mesa Verde ReservoirsMesa Verde's industrious Ancestral Puebloans designed, constructed, and maintained Morefield, Box Elder, Far View and Sageb…