You searched for Postal Code: 83221
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
A log structure was erected one half mile north of this site in 1864, which served as a stage station. The Ben Holliday stages use it as a stopping place as did the freighters who passed this way. Mail was unofficially handled here for more than a…
Molten rock, forced upward for 30 to 50 miles through fissures in the earth, has cooled into the hard lava found here.
Continued pressure from below has made great cracks in the contorted surface. This lava solidified only a few thousand years…
Three Buttes
Rising above this level plain of lava flows and windblown soils these high landmarks are recent additions to Idaho's landscape.
East Butte (farthest east) flowed up and cooled quickly about 600,000 years ago, while Big Southern Bu…
Big Butte
Towering 2500 feet high, two over lapping rock domes form a 300,000 year-old butte that dominates this lava plain.
After a hot flow of molten rhyolite (acidic rock) boiled up through older lava, a second rhyolite dome pushed up a blo…