You searched for Postal Code: 83251
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Idaho's highest peak, 12,662 feet, is named for William E. Borah, who served in the United States Senate from 1907 until his death in 1940.
Ten or a dozen large but shallow inland seas have covered this area in the past billion years. They beca…
Known as Goddin's River in the days of the fur trade. This stream originally was named for the trapper who discovered it.
Thyery Goddin, a prominent Iroquois who explored this river in 1819 or 1820, had come here with Donald Mackenzies fur hun…
Idaho is part of the world's longest mountain chain above sea level. This chain extends from the tip of South America to Alaska's north coast. The widest section is in the western United States - from the Sierra Nevada to the Rocky Mountains. The …
· The scarp before you extends for 21 miles, paralleling the mountain front. In some places, multiple scarps formed.
· Ground motion, or "ground roll," did $15,000,000 damage to roads and buildings in the Challis and …
There are no records from explorers' journals or pioneers' memories of earthquakes occurring in this area. Scientists have not detected activity in recent time. But, old fault scars indicate that earthquakes occurred before. Geologists recognized …
On October 28, 1983, a major earthquake fracture, 26 miles long and 7 miles deep, surfaced as Lost River Valley slid away from Mount Borah.
During that rock shift, Mount Borah's ridge front rose about 6 inches, while this valley subsided 9 fee…