You searched for Postal Code: 85713
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Santa Cruz Church
built by
Manuel G. Flores
Construction began November 13, 1916
His excellency Henry Granjon
Bishop of Tucson
Established as parish February 12, 1919
This monument represents the first sighting of Europeans by the O'odham who lived on the traditional sacred ground at the base of Chuk Shon (known today as Sentinel Peak). The O'odham and their ancestors, the First People of the Tucson Basin, have…
Top row:Pfc. Corbett B. Robertson, Pfc. Emilio A. Ramirez, Pfc. Raymond C. Hubbard, Sgt. Jesus R. Carrasco, Pfc. Richard L. Nickles, Pfc. Joe M. Valenzuela
Bottom Row:Sgt. Johnson McAfee, Pfc. Manuel H. Moreno, Sgt. Raul B. Babasa, Pfc. Malcolm…
Side A:We were those whomothers did not want to be.We went where others feared to go and didwhat others feared to do.June 25, 1950 - July 27, 1953
Side B:The United States MarinesSgt Raul B. Babasa · Sgt Jesus R. Carrasco · Pfc Ra…
Catholic, Protestant, JewishInterfaith in ActionLt. Goode - Lt. PolingLt. Fox - Lt. Washington
Sacrificed their lives for men of all faithsFebruary 3, 1943