You searched for Postal Code: 86434
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During the 1930'2 a boater passing through the Canyon discovered a cave which later was found to be rich with "Guano", bat droppings. This material was rich with nitrogen and very useful as fertilizer. The U.S. Guano Corporation had purchased the…
These grounds belong in spirit and enthusiasm to Dallas Quasula Sr., a member of the Hualapai tribe. Dallas, a tribal councilman and elder, was also a highly regarded citizen of the county and graduate of Seligman High School. Dallas served honora…
This property was listed in the National Register of Historic Places on November 21, 2003. The Historic Peach Springs Trading Post, in downtown Peach Springs circa 1932, was an important commercial enterprise for Peach Springs citizens and travele…
This property was listed in the National Register of Historic Places on March 15, 2012. The John Osterman Gas Station was one of several privately-owned and operated businesses in the town of Peach Springs during the 1920's through the 1950's. The…