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En homenaje a la expedicion espania
niegrada por los buques
San Salvador, Victoria Y San Miguel
que arribo a San Diego
el 28 de septiembre de 1542
a mando de
Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo
quien tomo posesion de estas tierras
en nombre de su Maj…
On September 28, 1542, Juan Rodriquez Cabríllo and his crew sailed into this harbor and became first Europeans to set foot on what would later become the west coast of the United States. The exact landing area is not known, but many believe that …
No lighthouse kept vigil over the harbor four centuries ago when Cabrillo sailed into the bay. There were no channel buoys, fog horns, or local charts to guide mariners safely to anchor. Today, however, the Coast Guard and Port of San Diego provid…
He laid the foundation of the National Park Service defining and establishing the policies under which its areas shall be developed and conserved unimpaired for future generations. There will never come and end to the good that he has done.
1st United States Dragoons
Company C
Sergent. John Cox · Corporl William. C. West · Private George Ashmead · Private Joseph T. Campbell · Private Williamm. Dalton · Private John Dunlop · Priv…
whose members made the longest military march in U.S. History of over 2000 miles from Iowa to San Diego in 1846 - 1847 during the war with Mexico.
Albert Warren Dunham
Private - Company B
23 May 1828 - 11 May 1847
Lydia Ann Edmunds Hunter…
From around 1860 to the early 1890's, the Chinese had a fishing village at this site along the La Playa Trail. The village had ten shanties, drying racks and salting tanks. At the shore was a shipbuilding facility where Chinese junks were construc…
The Post chapel served Fort Rosecrans in World War II, the Korean War and continues to serve the U.S. Navy.
This boulder erected November 12, 1932 by Court San Diego de Alcalá, No. 1099 of the Catholic Daughters of America, to commemorate the first Holy Mass celebrated in California, November 12, 1602 upon the arrival on this site of Sebastián Vizcaí…
President Millard Fillmore's executive order of 1852 created a U. S. Preserve on Point Loma. From 1870 to 1873 the coast artillery corpsmen evicted whalers from the site in order to begin the military installation. In 1899 it was named for William…