Historical Marker Search

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Garces-Smith Monument. The Mojave Indian Trail. Traveled by Fr. Francisco Garcés, March, 1776, and Jedediah S. Smith, November, 1826. var plainText = document.getElementById('inscription1').innerText; document.…
Cajon Pass, separating the San Bernardino and San Gabriel ranges, has long been an important natural gateway. It is traversed by Indian trails, emigrant routes, railroads, and a superhighway. Early in the nineteenth century it became the southern …
Erected in memory of the pioneer women of the San Bernardino Valley who dared to travel across the country by ox team and covered wagon to help lay the foundation for the building of this state.
This campsite on both the Mojave Trail over the mountains and the Cajon Pass Route was probably first seen by Spanish and American traverlers in the 1770's and was noted by them in 1806, 1849 and 1850. Michael White, grantee in 1843 of the Muscupi…