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Showing results 1 to 10 of 42
Fountain & Bottling Company 1917
"A Bottle of Milk is a Bottle of Health"
Original Site at 358 N. 5th St. the 6th & Elm St. Site established in 1938.
The Premier Creamery served Coalinga for over 60 years. The business sold milk, butter, eggs…
To those whoBravely gaveTheir lives inOur causeFor freedomAnd to those Who can't forget We can but sayWe too remember
During its short life, the Coalinga Opera House presented the top entertainers of the time. Coalinga was a boomtown with considerable wealth and the town's people could afford the very best. Located directly across the street was the Grand Central…
Mr. Robert "Bob" Schatt purchased a lot at this location in 1938. The lot was bought from a Mr. Tom Glenchur for the purpose of building a "Union Oil" service station. Bob opened the station in 1939. During World War II, Bob wouldn't drive his own…
This pumping unit, known as a wooden walking beam, was one of the oldest and last remaining in actual use within the Coalinga oil fields. Put into service in July of 1918, it was in continuous use until November 1979. Initial production was 170 ba…
Harry Watanabe was 19 years old when he came to Coalinga from Japan in 1915. Watanabe first worked at Ayers Drug Store and the Sullivan Hotel. It was in 1928 that Watanabe found his niche in life and the vocation that left his mark on Coalinga. Wa…
Coalinga School built in 1908 was five times larger than Coalinga's first school. Over the years it became affectionately known as the Polk Street school. Not long after the school was first built, a fire burned the original bell tower. The replac…
Coalinga's first school opened with forty one students and two teachers. After 1908 and the opening of the Polk Street School, it is believed to have been converted to the local library. This school building still exists today as family housing.Th…
This boiler used to sit in the Claremont Oil Lease, known as Section 24-D. The boiler was used to create steam to inject into the ground to make the pumping of crude oil easier. In the early 1960s the boiler was moved onto the Polvadero Lease to b…
In the 1880's coal was being mined in the hills of southwestern Fresno Co. In 1888 the Southern Pacific Railroad extended it's line from Goshen to Alcade, south and west of present day Coalinga. A spur line was built from the mine to the railhead.…