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The Children's Bell Tower is dedicated to children everywhere. It was inspired by the death of seven-year old Nicholas Green of Bodega Bay who was shot by highway robbers while on vacation with his parents in Italy, on September 29, 1994.
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Named for Lt. Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra, who discovered the Bay of Bodega on October 3, 1775.Russian settlement originally called Kuskoff, founded by M de Kuskoff.In 1843 Stephen Smith an American, erected in this vicinity the first ste…
Discovered in 1602-03 by the expedition of Vizca?no. It was named by Bodega in his survey of 1775. The harbor was used in 1790 by Colnett and by the Kusov expeditions in 1809 and 1811. The Russian-American company and their Aleut hunters used the …