Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: 95613

Showing results 1 to 10 of 26
At this site was one of California's first bowling alleys. It was actually three buildings, with single-lane bowling alleys in each of the side buildings. The establishment, also known as the Metropolitan Saloon and Sporting Hall, featured gamblin…
In the 1850s, the law offices of Thomas Robertson and the firm of Sanderson and Hews were at this site. The town alcalde also had his office here. Borrowed from Mexican government, the position of alcalde combined the roles of mayor, justice of th…
This beer garden, a recent addition to Coloma, was built by Jim Bridgham in the mid 1950s. Jim and his sister Margaret operated a business called the "Hitching Rack" and built the beer garden so the "locals" could sit around, drink a few beers, an…
Like many ?49ers, Samuel and Elias Weller soon quit mining and turned to less exhausting work. The Weller brothers operated two stores in town; one was primarily a tin shop. The brick buildings were called Coloma's first fireproof structures. Thei…
Jules Francois Bekeart was a gunsmith who came here in 1849 to mine gold and soon became a close friend of James Marshall. The hard labor of gold mining was not to his liking, so "Frank" Berkeart started a highly successful gunsmith business in a …
This building, perhaps originally a livery stable, was the armory for the Coloma Greys, a local volunteer militia company. After the Greys disbanded in 1862, the building was used as a carriage house by Elias Weller, who lived in the large white h…
The Winters' Hotel was the most ornate building in town. It was one of the earliest hotels here and the best known. A forty-niner later described it as "the hotel par excellence of the town; one could easily perceive that by its long white colonna…
Perly Monroe was the grandson of Peter and Nancy Gooch, who were freed from slavery here when California became a state in 1850. The Monroe family became successful fruit farmers and prominent property holders in Coloma. Built in 1925, this house …
Coloma's first post office opened in 1849 when, against his wishes, John T. Little was appointed postmaster. In 1851 Coloma received tri-weekly mail service from Sacramento City. The post office, first designated as Culloma, California Territory, …
Probably the first structure on this site was Littner's Exchange, which was later purchased and remodeled by the Bramer brothers. They operated the Orleans Hotel, Restaurant and Oyster Saloon until 1856 when Elias Weller bought the property and co…