You searched for Postal Code: 95819
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Hoboken, a tent town in this area, began in early January, 1853 after floods had halted business in Sacramento City. River steamers landed here and hundreds of teams loaded supplies for the mining camps. An election held with 1000 electors produce…
Built in 1834 by Capt. John Harris, R.N., treasurer of the London District, this is London's oldest remaining house. With his wife Amelia, daughter of Samuel Ryerse, Harris came to London after the District offices were moved here from Vittoria. F…
Dedicated November 4, 2005to remember, honour, and celebrateour Canadian Veterans.
May the memory of theirachievements and sacrificesbe kept alive.This garden was made possible thanks to the generous donation by Angus and Mabe McLennan - for th…
With deepest gratitude to those who so generouslycontributed to this visible and resonantremembrance of our Canadian Veterans
Separate Stone marker nearby:Thank You CanadaThank You Veterans1940 - 1945This musical tribute is a gift to allCanadia…
In memory of the personsLaid to rest between1849 and 1912 by theCounty of Sacramento atNew Helvetia Cemetery
Dedicated by the Sacramento CountyBoard of SupervisorsSacramento County Cemetery Advisory Commission2003
BORN August 11, 1846DIED April 26, 1905
This monument is dedicated toDr. Pendery, his family, and all themen and women of medicine who weremoved here from the New HelvetiaCemetery in 1955 - 1956.
Erected June 12, 1999 by the Sacramento-El Do…
This marker has been dedicated in memory of more than six hundred persons of Japanese ancestry reinterred here in 1956 with several thousand others, whose remains were removed from New Helvetia Cemetery, the present site of Sutter Middle School a…
in whose house St. Andrews African Methodist EpiscopalChurch the oldest African-American congregation on the PacificCoast was organized in 1850andother members of the Sacramento area African-Americancommunity laid to rest on this site.
Built up…
First Sheriffof SacramentoCountyKilled during aSquatters Riot inBrighton TownshipAugust 15, 1850Age Early 20's
Dedicated to the memory of thosewho tragically lost their lives on September 11, 2001in New York City, The Pentagon,and Shanskville, PennsylvaniaMay God Shed His Grace on Thee