Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: 97002

Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Grove of the States. Oregon Heritage Tree Site. The Grove of the States includes a tree representing each state in the USA and the District of Columbia. The idea for the Grove of the States was conceived by Oregon Attorney General Robert Y. Thornt…
Used as a general store. Wm. Keil and Company catered to the trade of some of the mid-valley's best known pioneers by cash or barter.
During the period of Oregon's Provisional Government ( 1841-1849), residents traveled by Indian trails, water courses, or on privative rough-hewn wagon roads etched by emigrant settlers. During the days to the Territorial Government (1849-1859), a…
Jonas Will and Andrew Snyder, children of Aurora Colony members, established this then modern mercantile store. Jonas had been an Aurora merchant since 1888. The families ran this business until the 1940's.
Dr. Wilhelm Keil founded here a Christian co-operative colony patterned after his colony at Bethel, Missouri. Musicians of the settlement made it widely famous. After Dr. Keil's death in 1877 the communal enterprise was dissolved.
This is the only surviving building from the original Aurora Pioneer Hotel complex.