Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: 97701

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Honoring the men and women of Bend who have served, are serving and will serve to defend our freedom during times of peace and war. Remembering the POW, the MIA, and those named below who have made the supreme sacrifice. They will not be forgotten…
This complex ecosystem nurtures a variety of plants and animals.Vast, sage-covered plains begin at the eastern foot of the Pilot Butte and stretch dramatically to the east and south. This is Oregon's fabled "High Desert". The casual traveler is st…
Pilot Butte was a beacon for travelers.On a day sometime in the year 1813, and Indian lookout, from one of several tribes summering in this vicinity, might have "hiked the butte" and from here observed an exploration party moving along the banks o…
In the beginning...there were old growth trees.The small community, first called Farewell Bend from the nearby big bend in the Deschutes River, could have been called "Pilot Butte" if the 1901 recommendation of Postmaster William Statts had been a…