Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: A1C 1H3

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Built to replace the Long's Hill Temple destroyed by fire in 1892, the cornerstone of this building was laid by Sir William Whitewall on August 23, 1894. The Temple is the largest brick fraternal lodge in the province, and with its classical reviv…
English Born in Scotland, Carson came to Newfoundland as a physician in 1808, and became an ardent advocate of social and political reform. He was leader in the campaign for an elected legislature, established in 1832, and helped bring about the …
This Italianate style building, Newfoundland's first commercial bank building, constructed in 1849 to the design of Halifax architect David Stirling. The mansard roof was added in 1885. Burnt out and rebuilt after the 1892 fire, it retains a very …
English This Italianate style building recalls evolution of banking in Newfoundland, Designed by Halifax architect David Stirling for the Bank of British North America, it opened in 1850 at a time when British investors controlled banking in the…