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In 1852 this was the site of the Ebenezer religious community of 800 people. It had log houses, a wharf, store, blacksmith shop, sawmill, woolen mill, flour mill, cannery, cabinet shop and a communal dining hall. Their best known product was high …
On this site was foughtThe Battle of ChippawaJuly 5, 1814.
Preservation of the Battlegroundwas made possible byThe Niagara Parks Commissionwith the cooperation ofFrank and Mildred Branscombe,River Realty Development (1976) inc.and Group 2 Devel…
The Aftermath. In the days following the battle, General Brown's victorious troops advanced another 25 kilometers (18 miles) north to Fort George before retiring back to Niagara Falls when more British troops arrived in the area. They met the Brit…
As the battle raged, more American artillery deployed to the middle of the plain between the 11th U.S. and the lone 25th U.S. company, less than 100 meters (109 yards) from the British line. General Brown then led Ripley's brigade across Street's …
British General Riall was convinced that the greater part of Brown's army was still surrounding Fort Erie. He did not know the Fort had surrendered and he was facing the entire U.S. division. Still, the number of men deployed on both sides was vir…
Major General Phineas Riall, the British commander, had repaired the bridge over the Chippawa and ordered his own Regular light infantry, the local Canadians of the 2nd Lincoln Militia and a force of Native Warriors, to clear out the now scattered…
At dawn 5 July 1814, parties of Canadian-Militia and British allied Native Warriors scouted the American camp. They began sniping from the bushes on the north side of Street's Creek and this continued throughout the morning. Around noon, General B…
On these fields and the surrounding woods 4,000 American, British, Canadian and Native forces fought the first major battle of the Niagara campaign of 1814. When the last shots died away on Samuel Street's farm, more than 800 lay dead and wounded.…
[Text on the West Side]:
Battle of Chippawa 5 July 1814
In memory of all those who fought on this ground, many of whom are buried nearby,and to commemorate the peace that has prevailed between Canada and the United Statessince that time.
This was the site of the bloodiest battle of the War of 1812. On the afternoon of 25th July, 1814, Lieutenant-General Gordon Drummond with about 2800 men engaged the invading American army which had recently been victorious at Chippawa. The armies…