You searched for Postal Code: N9V 1W4
Showing results 1 to 10 of 16
Born at Queenston in Upper Canada, John Richardson served as a volunteer at Fort Malden during the War of 1812 and was taken prisoner by the Americans at Moraviantown. He was released at war's end, retired on half-pay in 1818, and spent most of th…
Fort Malden Points of Interest · Fort Malden Points d'int?r?t
(1) Visitor Centre1939Centre d'accueil1939
(2) Military Pensioner's Cottagecirca 1851 (Restoration)Maison des pensionn militairesvers 1851 (b?timent restaur?)
Brick Officers' Guard Roomand Staff Sergeant's Quarters(1839)
Poste de garde des officiers enbriques et quartiers du sergentde l'etat-major (1839)
The Site Over Time
Today the site looks very different than it would have 170 years ago, when Fort Malden was at its height. Almost all the buildings from that period have been lost, and most of the ditch and wall that encircled the fort is gon…
Fort Defences
In front of you is a recreated piece of the fort's palisade, a vertical wall of sharpened logs. This wall surrounded the fort, linking the four diamond-shaped corner projections, called bastions. Around each bastion, the palisade …
Indian Council House
Two hundred years ago a small building stood about 100 metres north of here, close to the water's edge. This was where meetings took place between the representatives of the British government and those of the First Nations…
For two days in August, 1969 local people resisted attempts by the Royal Ulster Constabulary to break down the barricades which they had erected to defend their community. The Battle of the Bogside ended when the British government sent in the Arm…
Pensioner's Cottage
This cottage was built in the early 1850s for a retired soldier and his family. About 85 of these homes were constructed just east of the Fort, and leased at a modest rate to veteran soldiers in return for light military dut…
Shoreline Breakwall
Over time, the force of water and ice has eroded the river bank, creating the need to stabilize the shore. Parks Canada, the Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) and Environment Canada partnered to stabilize the shorel…
Detroit River Heritage
This river not only forms the border between two great nations, but is also a vital transportation artery into the upper Great Lakes. Imagine the vessels that have travelled on it ? First National canoes, sailing vessels …