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Showing results 1 to 10 of 19
The Refectory. . The Refectory. The monastic refectory or dining hall occupied the south range of the cloister. The main meal was eaten in the middle of the day. Monks entered the dining hall after washing their hands in a lavatorium or wash-…
The Dormitory. . The Dormitory. This huge room was the dormitory, or dorter, where the monks slept. It dates to the 13th century and was originally a single open space without any heating. Monks slept communally and their single beds were arrang…
East Range of Cloister. . East Range of Cloister This was extensively rebuilt in the 13th century. The first floor was the monk's dormitory. The doorway above led to a day-stair to the cloister. .
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The Afternoon Assaults: Norman Trick Tactics. . The Afternoon Assaults: Norman Trick Tactics. During the afternoon the Normans weaken the English line by adopting a new tactic. It is now clear that the English are not going to be easily defe…
The High Altar of Battle Abbey. . The Traditional Site of The High Altar of Batttle Abbey Founded to Commemorate The Victory of Duke William On 11 October 1066 The High Altar Was Placed to Mark The Spot Where King Harold Died.
The 11th-century Church. . The 11th-century Church. When William the Conqueror founded Battle Abbey he ordered that the church's high altar should be placed on the spot where Harold had fallen. The stone slab marks the site of the death of Ki…
The Cloister. . The Cloister. The main abbey buildings were arranged round a cloister on the south side of the church. Sheltered from cold north winds they would catch the sun. The cloister walks or alleys, marked out by the gravel paths, enc…
The Chapter House. . The Chapter House. The chapter house was second only to the church as the focal point of monastic life. Monks assembled here each morning to hear readings, including a chapter of the Rule of St Benedict, hence the room's …
Parlour. . Parlour This was one of very few room where the monks were allowed conversation. It was rebuilt in the 13th century. The doorway in its eastern wall led to the infirmary..
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Dusk. William Victorious. . Dusk. William Victorious. The Normans finally break through the shield wall and the English army is routed. During the final Norman assault the English shield wall breaks. The Normans begin to slaughter any who sta…