Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: YO1 9QL

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
The Mansion House. The Mansion House The residence of the Lord Mayor during his year of office. It was built in 1725 - 30 var plainText = document.getElementById('inscription1').innerText; document.getElementById…
P, also, O Yves Mahé. P/O Yves Mahé 1919 - 1962 Free French fighter pilot, 235 Squadron Royal Air Force, who helped save York From Luftwaffe bombers on the Morning of 29th April 1942 var plainText = document…
St Martin-le-Grand. . St Martin-le-Grand A mainly 15th century church, pre Conquest in origin, largely destroyed by fire in the air raid in 1942. The tower was completed before 1437. The Great West Window, considered to be one of the finest ea…
The George Inn. The George Inn In Elizabethan times Ralph Rokeby Esq. (d.1575) Secretary of the Council of the North lived in a house on this site. Subsequently for about two and a half centuries there existed here a Hostelry known since 1614 as…