Historical Marker Series

Signers of the Declaration of Independence

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(Headstone):George ClymerSigner of theDeclaration of IndependenceBorn Philadelphia June 10, 1738Died Morrisville January 23, 1813 (Footstone):George ClymerSigner of the Constitution of theUnited States of AmericaDeputy from Pennsylvania toFederal Constituti…
A signer of the Declaration of Independence, delegate to Continental Congress, Colonel of Associators, lawyer and ironmaster, lies buried in this churchyard.
One of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence; died in June, 1778, while attending Continental Congress as delegate from New York. His grave is about 300 feet west of here.
Founded 1744. Original structure built 1746-53; this building begun 1820. George Ross, signer of the Declaration of Independence, was vestryman. Buried here are the patriots Edward Shippen, William Atlee, Edward Hand, and Jasper Yeates.
Soldier, ardent patriot, jurist, and a Signer of the Declaration of Independence, settled at Lancaster about 1751. Site of his country house, now marked by monument, is on Ross Street, nine blocks north. Died 1779.
This Memorial toButton GwinnettBorn 1735 ? ? ? Died 1777Georgia Signer of The Declaration of IndependencePresident of GeorgiaWhose remains, buried in this cemetery, are believed to lie entombed hereunder. Was erected by theSavannah - Chatham CountyHistoric …
South Carolina1746 - 1809Soldier - StatesmanSigner ofThe Declaration Of Independence
Member of South Carolina Provincial Congress and Council of Safety and of Continental Congress. Signer of Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation and captain of militia at Battle of Port Royal and Siege of Charleston. Prisoner of war 1780-…
In remembrance ofAbraham Clark 1726 - 1794A signer of the Declaration of Independence from New JerseyHe lived on this site during the formative period of the republic.__________Erected by the New Jersey Society,Sons of the American RevolutionSeptember 15, 1…
Grave site of Abraham Clark, Colonial Legislator, signer of Declaration of Independence, and long a member of Congress.
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