Historical Marker Series

Wisconsin: Dane County Historical Society

Page 3 of 5 — Showing results 21 to 30 of 46
Koshkonong Prairie with its twin churches at both East and West Koshkonong is one of the focal points from which Norwegian Lutheranism spread to many parts of the American continent. In 1844 at the request of pioneer Norwegian immigrants newly-ordained J…
Stoughton was founded by Luke Stoughton in 1847. The first settlers were Yankees from New England. Waves of Norwegians immigrated to the community during the late 19th century to make Stoughton America's Norwegian capital, home of lutefisk and "Syttende …
Early Norse pioneers who realized a need for a house of worship built the first Norwegian Lutheran Church in western Dane County from logs in the winter of 1851-52. First services held May 27, 1852 by the Rev. A.C. Preus. Previous itinerant pastors included…
In July, 1833, Lt. Alexander Center blazed a nearby oak, marking the 100-mile point of a military road he and James Doty were surveying. The Old Military Road, built from 1835 to 1837, connected Ft. Crawford at Prairie du Chien, Ft. Winnebago at Portage and…
Andreas Dahl came to DeForest from Valdres, Norway in 1869. For more than a decade as an itinerant photographer in southern Wisconsin, he took pictures that captured the essence of life at that time. His studio stood to the north of this site and his galler…
The Cottage Grove Grange, which became a leader in the state and national Grange movement, had its meeting hall near this site shortly after the Civil War. As a community center it became a significant cultural and social influence for pioneer farm families…
"Now may the Lord bless this step which we have taken not out of a desire for discord and dissuasion but compelled by the voice of our conscience." With this prayer on their lips, six families met at Lars Bovre's farm on June 22, 1860 to organize the Bovre …
Final resting place of early French emigrants and their descendants. Coming directly to the Montrose-Belleville community from St. Germain in eastern France, 32 families arrived beginning in the early 1850's. Unique and isolated, the group prospered and …
In 1896, the U.S. Post Office Department began rural free delivery in Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Iowa and West Virginia on an experimental basis. On November 16, Sun Prairie became the first community in Wisconsin to initiate rural free delivery, with f…
Dane County was created by the Wisconsin Territorial Legislature in 1836. Judge James Doty had convinced the Legislature to select Madison as the Capital and name the surrounding county in honor of Nathan Dane, a compiler of the Ordinance of 1787, which est…