South Carolina: York County Historical Commission
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McCorkle-Fewell-Long HouseThis two-story frame house with central hall was a typical piedmont farmhouse when built, probably by Stephen McCorkle prior to 1821. Samuel M. Fewell significantly altered the house during his ownership 1867-1890. In 1906 the hous…
About 1 ½ miles south of here on Fishing Creek were a house and mill mentioned on a 1766 royal land grant to Hugh White. British Colonel Banastre Tarleton and his Legion were encamped at White's Mill for several days in September 1780, during which tim…
In 1887 the town of Clover was granted a charter by the General Assembly, its city limits to extend "one-half mile in every direction from the railroad depot." Clover Post Office had been established in 1874 with Zimri Carroll as postmaster. Six years later…
(Front):William Hill, who served in the American Revolution and was present at many battles, built an ironworks near here on Allison Creek about 1776. Hill and his partner, Isaac Hayne, manufactured swivel guns, kitchen utensils, cannon, ammunition, and var…