Historical Marker Series

Virginia Civil War Trails

Page 32 of 61 — Showing results 311 to 320 of 605
In June 1864, to deny Gen. Robert E. Lee the use of the South Side R.R. and the Richmond and Danville R.R., Gen. Ulysses S. Grant sent Gen. James H. Wilson and Gen. August V Kautz south of Petersburg on a cavalry raid to destroy track and rolling stock. The…
In June 1864, to deny Gen. Robert E. Lee the use of the South Side R.R. and the Richmond and Danville R.R., Gen. Ulysses S. Grant sent Gen. James H. Wilson and Gen. August V. Kautz south of Petersburg on a cavalry raid to destoy track and rolling stock. Whi…
Just west of you is the railbed of the original Petersburg and Weldon Railroad, a major supply line to the Confederate army in Petersburg and Richmond. Because of its importance, the Union army made an effort to destroy the line here at Hicksford (now Empor…
In June 1864, to deny Gen. Robert E. Lee the use of the South Side R.R. and the Richmond and Danville R.R., Gen. Ulysses S. Grant sent Gen. James H. Wilson and Gen. August V. Kautz south of Petersburg on a cavalry raid to destroy track and rolling stock. Wi…
Unable to crack Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee's strongly fortified lines at Spotsylvania Court House, Union Gen. Grant ordered Gen. Winfield Hancock's Second Corps to cross the Mattaponi River here at Milford Station and threaten the Confederate army's lin…
"It was a pen of filth and vermin." - William Howell Reed, a Sanitary Commission agent The Bull Ring was the Union provost Marshal's prison at City Point used for the confinement of Union soldiers convicted or charged with desertion, murder, rape, disobe…
During the Civil War this church served as a signal station for both the Confederacy and the Union. On May 5, 1864 Col. Samuel A. Duncan's brigade of United States Colored Troops (4th, 5th, and 6th U.S.C.T.) occupied City Point and the signal station withou…
8000 — B.C. Indian occupancy.1613 Sir Thomas Dale establishes area as "Bermuda Cittie."1619 — Name changes to Charles City Point.1621 — Rev. Patrick Copeland plans to build free public school, financed by the East India Company.1622 &mdash…
"At first we lived in tents, but later, when my husband became commander of the post, I lived most comfortably in a house...." - Septima M. Collis The house Septima Collis lived "most comfortably" in during the last months of the Civil War had been built…
"Oh! father, it would make your blood run cold to see the fights...War is awful." - James Nugent, City Point, April 27, 1865 In the closing months of the Civil War, a young Wisconsin college student was drafted and soon saw combat in the hellish siege of…
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