Juan Caspar de Portolá Expedition
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On August 11, 1769, the explorers and priests accompanying Portol? found a populous village of Piru Indians near this point. Carrying their bowstrings loose, the Indians offered necklaces of stones, in exchange for which Portol? presented them with beads.
Near this point, sea and land parties of the Portola-Serra Expedition met. Two ships, the San Antonio and San Carlos, anchored on May 4-5, 1769. The scurvy-weakened survivors of the voyage established a camp, where on May 14 and July 1 they greeted the over…
In July, 1769, the Portola Expedition named this area for St. Margaret of Antioch. The Mission San Luis Rey 1827 inventories list a small building in the area. In 1841, Rancho Santa Margarita y San Onofre was granted to Andres and Pio Pico, the last governo…
On August 13, 1769, the Portol? Expedition at the junction of the Arroyo Mupa and Santa Paula Creek, at a place they named the Holy Martyrs Ipolito and Cassiano. The priests of the Mission San Buenaventura here established the Asistencia Santa Paula, where …
[Eastern Side]Historic Town Center ParkToday the San Juan Capistrano down town and Mission San Juan Capistrano are situated on the site of the Juane?o village of Acjachema. History explains that in 1769 the first Spanish exploratory expedition, led by Gaspa…
When the land expedition of Alta California led by Captain Gaspar de Portola passed through this valley in 1769, they reached the P?jaro River, which they named for a large straw-stuffed bird (p?jaro in Spanish) with a wing span of six feet that they found …
Spanish colonization of California began in 1769 with the expedition of Don Gaspar de Portol? from Mexico. With Captain Don Fernando Rivera v Moncada, Lieutenant Don Pedro Fages, Sgt. Jos? Francisco Ortega, and Fathers Juan Cresp? and Francisco G?mez, he an…
Near this spot, October 20-23, 1769Don Gaspar de Portol?And his land expedition, seeking Monterey Bay, camped for three days to rest those sick. Because of their rapid recovery, Father Crespi named the valleyCa?ada de la SaludOn December 10, 1774 Father Pal…
The legend of "the mustard seed trail" is rooted in the Portola expedition which travelled through the Ohlone tribal lands with a wagon containing sacks of mustard seeds. These seeds were spread behind them as they travelled north in the winter, marking a t…
The Old Spanish Trail was an historic pack trail connecting Santa Fe to the pueblo of Los Angeles. Travelers from Santa Fe aimed for the San Gabriel Mission as a welcome destination and gathering place. Traders brought woolen goods from New Mexico and retur…