Idaho: Idaho State Historical Society
Page 9 of 15 — Showing results 81 to 90 of 147
Expanding operations to the West, Weyerhaeuser timber barons invested in Idaho's prime white pine stands.
By 1920, their mill was cutting 175 million board feet each year.
Logs and lumber were moved by the Washington, Idaho and Montana Railway through sta…
Spokane architect C. Ferris White designed the new community in 1905.
Workers' housing stood close to the mill.
Managers' homes were built away from the plant's noise and smoke.
The railroad depot separated town from industry.
All company owned, Potlatc…
Travel through the Salmon River Mountains always was hard in the early days.
An 1872 railroad survey showed the Salmon River Canyon to be too expensive a route to build.
Until a highway was finished down the White Bird Hill in 1921, only some pack trails …
Then this part of the earth's surface gradually rose.
As the mountains were rising, the river cut down into the older rock below.
Many other northwestern rivers cut similar gorges.
The Snake flows through Hell's Canyon - deepest of them all - 8 miles wes…
In historic time Market Lake was formed during the great Snake River Flood of 1853.
When a new railroad grade blocked the overflow channel leading from the river, the lake disappeared for a time after 1887.
Later irrigation seepage restored the lake, and …
Established by the territorial legislature, Jan. 30, 1889, the university opened in the fall of 1892.
As Idaho's land grant institution, the university was charged to bring the benefits of quality teaching, research, and service to the people of Idaho.
Was the Army officer who in 1859-1862 surveyed and built the Mullan Road
from Walla Walla, Washington to Fort Benton, Montana.
The road was to connect the Missouri and the Columbia, and Congress approved in 1855.
Indian troubles and lack of funds dela…
Pioneer businessman and politician,
he owned and operated ferries in the Lewiston and Spokane areas.
Early in the 1860's, John Silcott ran a ferryboat across the Snake River at Lewiston.
He soon put in a ferry across the Clearwater River and initiated …
Lewiston's first bridge across the Clearwater River
was constructed in 1913 and replaced in 1951.
Early efforts for a bridge were opposed by ferryboat owners, but other business leaders recognized the need for a link to northern communities.
Spanning 7…
Coming here May 10, 1839 to study with Lawyer, an important Nez Perce leader, he stayed to work on an Indian dictionary and to hold daily religious classes each spring and winter.
After spending six months in a "mere hovel," he finished a comfort…