Wisconsin: Wisconsin Historical Society
Page 38 of 54 — Showing results 371 to 380 of 538
At the outbreak of the Spanish-American War in April of 1898, President William McKinley called on the states to gather their military forces. State officials ordered the Wisconsin National Guard to report for duty at Camp Harvey, named for Wisconsin Civil …
In 1961, the Joint Congressional Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) approved Dairyland Power Cooperative's proposal to construct and operate Wisconsin's first nuclear-fueled power plant. This reactor was part of a pilot program to demonstrate the commercial fea…
The Cheyenne Valley area near Hillsboro was Wisconsin's largest rural African American settlement in the 19th century. The State's early defiance of the 1850 Fugitive Slave Act and the later demise of the slavery system after the Civil War encouraged freed …
When the community sought funding for a new gymnasium and town hall, they looked to the Work Progress Administration, a depression-era program, which utilized local materials and labor to create jobs for unemployed workers. Architect Roland C. Buck of Super…
In 1673, thirty-nine years after Jean Nicolet visited the Green Bay area, Father Jacques Marquette and Louis Jolliet set out from New France to explore the Mississippi River. They traveled from the Straits of Mackinac between lakes Huron and Michigan to the…
In the fall of 1836 Elisha Edgerton and his wife Belinda came here in their wagon drawn by oxen. They cleared the land and built their farm home, with buildings recognized as a Wisconsin Premium Farm by the State Agricultural Society. Episcopal services wer…
This plain was made thousands of years ago by rivers of water flowing from hills of melting glacial ice that lay a short distance north and east of here. The summer flood waters first laid down gravel, which was then covered by four feet of fertile windblow…
The Village of Langlade and Langlade County were named for Charles Michel de Langlade, who has been called the "Father of Wisconsin." Born at the trading post of Mackinac in 1729, de Langlade's character, military ability, and influence left a commanding im…
In March 1863 Abraham Lincoln signed an Act of Congress which enabled the states of Michigan and Wisconsin to begin construction of a road between Fort Howard at Green Bay and Fort Wilkins near Copper Harbor. It took one year to build the road from …
Generally called "Depot Camp," it is the oldest standing lumber camp in Wisconsin.
It remains where originally built in 1880, in what was one of the greatest white pine regions of the middle west. Expert woodsmen built the camp as is evidenced by the ski…