Historical Marker Series

Blue Ridge Parkway

Page 2 of 3 — Showing results 11 to 20 of 26
In June and July during corn-choppin time, this cliff serves the folks in White Rock community as a time piece. Twenty minutes after sunlight strikes the rock face, dusk falls on the valley below
The bare rock profile named Devil's Courthouse is sinister in appearance and legend. Its "devilish" look has contributed to the many folk tales surrounding this mountain. Within the mountain is a cave where, legend claims, the devil holds court. In Chero…
Like a gigantic mirror, Looking Glass Rock reflects a dazzle of sunlight when water collects on its granite face. This display is especially spectacular in winter when the water turns to ice. Looking Glass Rock is a pluton formed by underground volcanic …
The United Daughters of the Confederacy in cooperation with the United States Forest Service planted this 125 acre forest as a living memorial to the 125,000 soldiers North Carolina provided the Confederacy. The 125,000 Red Spruce tree forest was planted ov…
The knoll low on the ridge to the right boasts this celestial name. It is well known locally that hunters often sat about a night fire there while they followed the chase in the lowlands. They knew which hound held the lead by the "personality" of…
The old Clinchfield Railroad loops and tunnels through the Blue Ridge Mountains before you. Construction of this difficult section began in 1905 when 4,000 workmen, mainly Russian, German and Italian immigrants, began blasting and hammering their way over a…
Nestled in the valley below is the Cradle of Forestry in America, the birthplace of science-based forest management and a living legacy made possible by George and Edith Vanderbilt of the nearby Biltmore Estate. Some 87,000 acres of the Vanderbilt's "P…
The Brinegars were not famous or rich, but they were important to their families and neighbors. In 1876 Martin Brinegar purchased this 125 acre farm from Henderson Crouse, Caroline Joines' uncle, for $200. Two years later Martin and Caroline were married; h…
All the materials Martin Brinegar needed for building a cabin were here on this farm—trees, rocks, even clay. Martin Brinegar began building this cabin in 1886. Working in his spare time, it took him three years to finish the original cabin — a …
Caroline Brinegar had to plan ahead for many months to make a garment. She made her family's clothes from a fabric called linsey-woolsey that she wove on her loom. Linsey-woolsey is woven from wool yarn and linen (flax) thread. The wool made the fabric warm…