Wabash & Erie Canal
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Between Toledo, Ohio, and Evansville, Indiana.And which, through Lafayette paralleled the Wabash River,crossing Main Street at the East end of the bridge.
Erected on this site in 1845 by John Purdue (October 31, 1802 - September 12, 1876) The John Purdue Block was a collection of 12 stores, each 22 feet wide, occupying the complete block between Columbia and South streets. At the time, it was the largest bric…
Founded in 1834 by Thomas W. Treckett and Thomas Concannon, with later additions in 1836. Granville boasted 153 lots and a public square. In 1850 its name was changed to Weaton, after the Wea Indian town which once stood to the east. Later the name reverted…
Trade and emigration route from Lake Erie to Evansville. Completed through Logansport 1840. Followed Erie Avenue and 5th Street, crossing Eel River by wooden aqueduct. Abandoned about 1876.
90 lots platted in 1836 on both sides of Wabash - Erie Canal lock.A Post office in 1838 - 39. The lock passed canal boats into the river on the pool of the Great Dam at Pittsburg five miles below. The mules carried the towline across the covered bridge to t…
Carrollton on the WabashThe Mentzer Tavern was built in 1840 at the north end of the Carrollton Towing Path Bridge that crossed the Wabash River. Erected by Ignatius Mentzer and George Friday, it opened as a cooper shop where barrels were made and later the…
Front The Wabash & Erie Canal meets the Wabash RiverCarroll County Wabash & Erie CanalDelphi, IndianaSee Photo #2:1844 Timber Truss BridgeThe Wabash and Erie Canal authorities built the first bridge here in 1844 to accommodate the Canal's only main line cro…
Front The Longest Canal in North AmericaCarroll County Wabash & Erie CanalDelphi, Indiana
The Wabash & Erie Canal extended 468 milesfrom Toledo, Ohio to Evansville, IndianaOn March 2, 1827, a Congressional land grant made possible a continuous waterway c…
Built in 1840 for Burnett's Creek to pass under Wabash and Erie Canal
( At Top - - Canal Map & Points of Interest )
Here is a section of the Wabash & Erie Canal still visible in Gibson County. Construction of the approx. 460 mi. canal. The longest in North America. Began in 1832 & was completed in 1853. One worker for ever…