Historical Marker Series

Lewis & Clark Expedition

Page 15 of 29 — Showing results 141 to 150 of 289
The Men of the Corps of Discovery During the winter of 1803, Lewis and Clark set up camp opposite the mouth of the Missouri River. Here they drilled and trained their men to prepare them for the task ahead. All of the men had been selected for their specia…
Hidasta informants described a fall of water on the Missouri River near the mountains, so the Captains expected a short portage. Instead of one waterfall, Lewis happened upon a succession of five, and their hope for a short portage faded. Look upriver and s…
The uppermost of the Great Falls of the Missouri bears west of this point. The name is a modern one derived from an entry for June 14th, 1805 in the journal of Capt. Meriwether Lewis of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. He discovered the falls on that date an…
Professor, chair of mathematics dept. and vice-provost at University of Pennsylvania, 1799-1814. Tutored Meriwether Lewis in navigation skills to prepare for Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1803-1806. Resided here.
... the rocks seems to be most happily fixed to present a sheet of the whitest beaten froath for 200 yards in length and about 80 feet perpendicular. — Meriwether Lewis, June 13, 1805 The Great Falls of the Missouri River was first described in wri…
On September 15, 1806, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark returning from the Pacific, stood on this point and recorded in their journal that this was a commanding situation for a fort and that from the top of the hill you have a perfect command of the river…
[Front] Events at Fort Osage 1803 The Louisiana Purchase 1804 Lewis and Clark Explore 1808 They build Fort Osage - Osages cede lands to the east 1809 Troops to the Mandans 1811 Astorians to the Pacific - Sibley visits Kaws and Pawnees 1812 War w…
[Front] On June 23-24, 1804 the Corps of Volunteers for Northwestern Discovery spent Saturday afternoon, the night and early Sunday morning across the river from the bluffs which would, in four years time, become the site of Fort Osage. On September 8, 18…
In 1804-06, Captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark led about 40 soldiers and boatmen on an epic journey. President Thomas Jefferson commissioned this "Corps of Discovery" to find a route to the Pacific Ocean through the newly acquired Louisiana territo…
On June 17 and 18, 1804, Lewis and Clark camped a few miles downstream to make oars from timber in the area. Near the camp was a river crossing for Sacs, Ayauways (Iowas), and Sioux in their excursions against the Osage. On June 19, the explorers continued …
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