Historical Marker Series

Lewis & Clark Expedition

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Today's view of the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers passing through the water gap in the Blue Ridge Mountains has changed little from Meriwether Lewis' view in 1803. Lewis hoped to find a similar, accessible trade route on rivers passing through the Rocky Mou…
Armory Superintendent Joseph Perkins lived in a converted warehouse on this spot from 1801-1806. The day Lewis arrived, March 16, 1803, he hand-delivered a letter from the Secretary of War directing Perkins to provide "arms & iron work... with the least pos…
In November, 1803, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark and their growing contingent of "Corps of Discovery" men, spent five days here teaching each other celestial navigation and surveying skills. Using a sextant, octant, artificial horizon, and reference ta…
Charting the ConfluenceOn November 14, 1803, at the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, the Corps of Discovery stayed for six days, one of the longest stops made by the expedition. Here, they saw the Mississippi for the first time, noted the mist…
The beginning ofthe ThirdPrincipal Meridianis located in the Ohio River1,735 feetdirectly northof this point.In November, 1803,this was the mouthof the Ohio River.At this location,the Lewis and ClarkCorps of Discoveryencamped forsix days.
On November 14, 1803, Meriwether Lewis, William Clark and their party landed at the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, the site of the present day Cairo. They spent nearly a week here, learning how to determine longitude and latitude, a skill th…
The beginning ofthe ThirdPrincipal Meridianis locatedin the Ohio River1,810 feetdirectly northof this point.In November, 1803,this was the mouthof the Ohio River.At this location,the Lewis & ClarkCorps of Discoveryencamped forsix days.
The United States Armory was the main reason Lewis came to Harpers Ferry. He needed dependable weapons and supplies to succeed on his mission. The quality of the armorers' handiwork would also mean the difference between life and death for Lewis and his men…
[Marker Front]:The Lewis and Clark ExpeditionMeriwether Lewis arrived in Marietta on September 13, 1803. His descent of the Ohio River aboard a keelboat began his expedition to explore the West. Included among his crew was 18-year old George Shannon of Barn…
Sergeant on the Lewis and ClarkExpedition, he published the firstaccount of that exploration in 1807 Veteran of the War of 1812, hefought in the Battle of Lundy's Laneand at Fort Erie Citizen of Wellsburg for more thanhalf a century, he married andrai…
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