Historical Marker Series

New Jersey: Bergen County Historical Society

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Built about 1793 by James A. Ackerman on land owned by the family since 1727. The farm was then in the locality known as Ponds Neighborhood and within the old Township of Franklin. In 1841 the house was purchased by Adam Boyd who farmed the land and was als…
This old Dutch sandstonehouse, shown on Erskine's1780 map, was built byCornelius Lozier before the Revolution. South ofit was the grist mill,known as Lozier's Mill.Later, when the propertypassed to Garret Lydecker,the area was called Lydecker'sMill. In 1826…
Erected 1752 and presented toMaj. Gen. Von Steubenby the State of New Jersey 1783in recognition ofNew Jersey's share of the debtwhich the nation owed the General.
Known to the Indians as "Michanagrape," these waters were formed by the melting glacier some 10,000 years ago. In 1700 the lake was named Christian Pool when it was included in a land grant to Michael Hawden. Later called Great Pond, Big Pond and Crystal Po…
This house was built about 1709 by Cosyn Haring, one of the sixteen Tappan patentees. It is an example of early Dutch Colonial architecture found in the Hackensack valley. This house has never been deeded to anyone, having been in the same family in 1964, f…
Built about 1796 by Jacob Concklin, Jr., a "wheelwright", the house is an example of Dutch Colonial architecture. Erected on the site of an earlier Concklin homestead, it stands on a 166½ acre farm purchased in 1748 by Jacob Concklin, Sr. Later owners,…
One of the last farmsteads in Fair Lawn stood on this site. The house built by Henry A. Hopper in 1855 was razed for road improvement in 1989. He was a Sheriff and Freeholder of Bergen County and served in the State Legislature. In 1919 William M. Croucher,…
This colonial home was built in the 18th century by a Naugle. He was said to have been a paymaster in Layayette's Light Division. The house served as a landmark on many Revolutionary War maps. It is believed that Lafayette visited here in 1824.Sponsored by …
This final resting place of early Closter settlers was established by Barent and Resolvert Nagel on their 1,030-acre tract jointly purchased in 1710. The first burial is believed to be Jan Adriansen, c. 1721. The Nagel brothers divided their land in 1748, a…
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