William Bartram Trails
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In 1775 during the travels of botanist William Bartram he first discovered golden St. John's wort (his Hypericum aureum) near this site on Patsiliga Creek
Wm. Bartram, Famed Naturalist,classified flora and fauna forshipment, here, at Spalding'sUpper Store, May and June 1774.
Donald McIntosh welcomed William Bartram to his home in 1773, giving him shelter from "A Tremendous Thunderstorm."
(Front text)In 1774, noted botanist William Bartram travelled across what is now the southeastern corner of Alachua County following an old Indian and trading trail. In Florida's territorial period, English-speaking settlers used the same route as a frontie…
William Bartram crossed the Chattahoochee (Chata Uche) River January 5, 1778 to Chehaw and Usseta now Columbus.
At Fort Picolata, Nov. 18, 1765,William Bartram and his father Johnsaw Creek Indian Treaty signed andbegan their Florida plants survey.
Erected byThe Wildflower Garden Club of District IVIn loving memory of Lorraine RidgeIn cooperation withFlorida Federa…
In 1775, William Bartram visitedseveral days at "Lough-Abber"home of A. Cameron, en routenorth to the Cherokee country.
William Bartram American's first native born artist- naturalists, passed through Russell County during the Revolutionary era, making the first scientific notations of its flora, fauna and inhabitants. As the appointed botanist of Britain's King George III, …
The great Quaker naturalist of Philadelphia made a long journey through the southeastern states in the 1770's collecting botanical specimens. In May, 1774, he visited the Seminole Chief, Cowkeeper, at the Indian village of Cuscowilla located near this spot.…
In 1774, William Bartram visited Salt Springs, his six-mile springs, and proclaimed it a "Paradise of Fish"