Battlefield Markers Association
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A mile and a half southeastof this spotGeneral Turner Ashby of Fauquier,"Knight of the Valley", was killed in battleJune 6, 1862.To honor himand all of Rockingham's enlisted men,1861-1865this tablet is erected,1926.
— Fought here June 11, 12, 1864 —Confederate Gens. Wade Hampton, Fitzhugh Leeand Thomas L. Rosser, victors overFederal Gens. P.H. Sheridan and G.A. Custer5000 Confederates, 8000 FederalCasualties Confederate 612 Federal 1,007Greatest all-cavalry…
May 8, 1862, one mile southeast, Jackson and Edward Johnson, C.S.A. defeated Milroy and Schenck, U.S.A.This church served both Blue and Gray as a hospital.