War in Grant County

War in Grant County (HM13TV)

Location: Petersburg, WV 26847 Grant County
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N 38° 59.118', W 79° 7.5'

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Engagement at Johnson Run

During the Civil War, loyal Unionist Home Guard companies patrolled Hardy County (now Grant County) to defend it against Confederate incursions. Near here on Johnson Run on June 19, 1864, a mixed command that included men from several companies clashed with a detachment of Confederate Capt. John H. McNeill's Rangers under Lt. Bernard J. Dolan.

The Union Home Guard unit was returning with supplies from New Creek Station (present day Keyser) on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad about 35 miles north of here. Despite the distance, the station was the closest railroad depot to Petersburg, and the guard periodically made the 70-mile roundtrip trek to obtain supplies. On June 19, the guardsmen encountered Donlan and his 25-man detachment posted near here east of the Petersburg and Franklin Road (today's U.S. Route 220) and south of Johnson Run in woods near an old icehouse. A body of the Rangers charged, and the guard fell back to a hill to make a stand. During the ensuing fight, Dolan was killed, while Rangers killed four guards-men and took three prisoners. The guard successfully defended its wagon train and withdrew.

The next day, Lt. Adam Yokum led a detachment of the guard to the battleground and reoccupied the hill. The Rangers observed Yokum and his men, circled around behind the hill, and attacked the Union rear. Two Federals were killed and one wounded before the Rangers withdrew.
HM NumberHM13TV
Series This marker is part of the West Virginia Civil War Trails series
Placed ByWest Virginia Civil War Trails
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Wednesday, September 10th, 2014 at 5:19pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)17S E 662399 N 4316817
Decimal Degrees38.98530000, -79.12500000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 38° 59.118', W 79° 7.5'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds38° 59' 7.08" N, 79° 7' 30.00" W
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Area Code(s)304
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 129 S Main St, Petersburg WV 26847, US
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