This tree was planted May 24th 1919 by the Catholic Children of Nashville in grateful memory of Lieutenant James Simmons Timothy of the 80th Company, 6th Regiment U.S.M.C.who was killed in action at Belleau Wood, France,June 14th 1918, aged 25 years
He was first wounded while serving with the French in the Verdun Sector, Mar. 22, 1918. On the day of his death he took his company of two hundred men "over the top" and returned with only five. Later in the day he was killed by an enemy shell. Lieutenant Timothy was the first Tennessee officer to make the supreme sacrifice in the Great War for justice and humanity. His last words were, "Into thy hands, O Lord, I commend my soul."
Strong in faith, no fear he knew,
this gallant Knight of God so true:
Pure, courageous, grand was he -
our hero son of Tennessee.
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