Thomas S. Bocock, lawyer and politician, wasborn in present-day Appomattox Co. (thenpart of Buckingham Co.) on 18 May 1815. In1846, he was elected to the U. S. House ofRepresentatives and served there until 1861.In 1859, Bocock was nominated for Speakerof the House, but withdrew after eight weeksof debate and multiple ballots failed to electa speaker. He served in the unicameralProvisional Confederate Congress (July 1861 - Feb. 1862) and as the only Speaker of theConfederate House of Representatives (Feb.1862 - Mar. 1865). After the Civil War,Bocock resumed his law practice and remainedactive in politics. He died at his nearbyhome, Wildway, on 5 Aug. 1891 and wasburied in the family cemetery there.
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