Naming the City of Montgomery / Brigadier General Richard Montgomery

Naming the City of Montgomery / Brigadier General Richard Montgomery (HM1B9O)

Location: Montgomery, AL 36104 Montgomery County
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N 32° 22.643', W 86° 18.571'

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Naming the City of Montgomery

Montgomery named for Richard Montgomery, firstAmerican general killed in the Revolutionary War.In 1819, the Alabama Legislature combined New Philadelphia and East Alabama to form Montgomery.Walter B. Lucas, later of Lucas' Tavern on LineCreek, suggested the name to Andrew Dexter, prompted by fanfare occasioned by the returnof the General's body from Canada to New YorkCity for burial in June of 1818.
(Continued on other side)

Brigadier General Richard Montgomery
(Continued from other side)
Born in Ireland in 1738. British Army regular officer during the French and Indian War and in West Indies campaign. Settled in New York state in 1772, sided with colonists in the Revolutionary War, and commissioned as a Brigadier General in the Continental Army. Led the American invasion of Canada, taking Montreal before being killed at the Battle of Quebec on New Year's Eve 1775.
HM NumberHM1B9O
Year Placed1992
Placed ByAlabama Historical Association
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Tuesday, September 30th, 2014 at 12:54pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16S E 564951 N 3582476
Decimal Degrees32.37738333, -86.30951667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 32° 22.643', W 86° 18.571'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds32° 22' 38.58" N, 86° 18' 34.26" W
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Area Code(s)334
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 115 Montgomery St, Montgomery AL 36104, US
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