At this point once stood the home place of the late Jimmy Gallagher, his wife and family. Jimmy who was an employee of the County Donegal Railway, was a guard on the Letterkenny to Strabane train, when on 11th August 1941, he was fatally injured in a rail accident about 2 miles from Letterkenny. His son Patrick started to work on the railway after his father died, starting as an engine cleaner, then to fireman and finally engine driver. He had the distinction of driving the last steam train on the Letterkenny - Strabane section. He now resides in Philadelphia, USA. Other family members still reside in Letterkenny. There were only three famillies [sic] living in this location at that time.
The Gallagher's, Nelson's and Toners.
[Illustration captions read]
The County Donegal Railway Bridge
Port Ballyraine (The Port)
The Londonderry and Lough Swilly Railway Bridge
Gallaghers Cottage, The Port
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