Dr. Alexandar Nunn / Lee County Historical Society

Dr. Alexandar Nunn / Lee County Historical Society (HM1E9R)

Location: Auburn, AL 36832 Lee County
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N 32° 36.267', W 85° 35.908'

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Side 1
Dr. Alexandar Nunn
Dr. Nunn was born in Loachapoka on September 17, 1904. Beginning in 1924 he contributed to and edited the Progressive Farmer Magazine for 43 years. He helped to start Southern Living Magazine, retiring in 1967 as executive editor and executive vice president. In 1968 he was a founding member of the Lee County Historical Society and was appointed Lee County's first official historian. He wrote two books and numerous articles about Loachapoka and the communities nearby. He believed in education for all people and contributed liberally to scholarships for black youth. He died January 6, 1985.

Side 2
Lee County Historical Society
The Society was organized in 1968 to study the history and traditions of Lee County and to preserve the findings, to collect records, books and items relating to its history, to mark historic sites, and to promote and preserve buildings and objects of historical value in and around Lee County. The First Trustees were: Alexander Nunn, Chairman; T.J. Peddy; A.B. Williams, Jr.; Prince Webster; Jimmy H. Graves; J.G. Adams; James Noel Baker; Mrs. Carolyn Dixon; James Trammell. The First Officers were: T.J. Peddy, Pres.; M.H. Hawkins, Vice-Pres.; Mrs. J.G. Adams, Sec.; Robert H. Slaton, Treas.
HM NumberHM1E9R
Year Placed2008
Placed ByThe Historic Chattahoochee Commission and Lee County Historical Society
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Monday, October 27th, 2014 at 1:15pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16S E 631512 N 3608304
Decimal Degrees32.60445000, -85.59846667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 32° 36.267', W 85° 35.908'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds32° 36' 16.02" N, 85° 35' 54.48" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)334
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 6454 Stage Rd, Auburn AL 36832, US
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