Fort Howe

Fort Howe (HM1HGQ)

Location: Saint John, New Brunswick 56345 Saint John County
Country: Canada
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N 45° 16.587', W 66° 4.38'

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Major Gilfrid Studholme

Three markers are mounted on this monument

Fort Howe

Late in 1777 Major Gilfred Studholme hurriedly fortified this ridge overlooking the mouth of the Saint John River. Throughout the remainder of the American Revolutionary War the presence of Fort Howe, its guns and garrison, guarded the settlement at the river
Placed ByHistoric Sites and Monument Board of Canada/Commission de lieux et monuments historique du Canada
By Barry Swackhamer, June 11, 2014
4. Fort Howe Monument  Marker ConditionNo reports yet Date Added Thursday, October 16th, 2014 at 8:49am PDT -07:00
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Locationbig map
UTM (WGS84 Datum)19T E 729579 N 5017829
Decimal Degrees45.27645000, -66.07300000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 45° 16.587', W 66° 4.38'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds45° 16' 35.22" N, 66° 4' 22.8" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)320
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 12 Magazine St, Saint John New Brunswick 56345, CA
Alternative Maps Google Maps, MapQuest, Bing Maps, Yahoo Maps, MSR Maps, OpenCycleMap, MyTopo Maps, OpenStreetMap

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  2. What historical period does the marker represent?
  3. What historical place does the marker represent?
  4. What type of marker is it?
  5. What class is the marker?
  6. What style is the marker?
  7. Does the marker have a number?
  8. What year was the marker erected?
  9. This marker needs at least one picture.
  10. Can this marker be seen from the road?
  11. Is the marker in the median?