Noon Day Gun

Noon Day Gun (HM1I0K)

Location: St. John's, Newfoundland and Lab A1A 1B2 Division No. 1
Country: Canada
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N 47° 34.199', W 52° 40.928'

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Canon de midi

For at least 150 years, the arrival of noon hour in St. John's has been announced by the firing of a gun on Signal Hill. It began as a military time signal, but the practice was continued by the colonial government after the British garrison departed tin 1870.
There have been several Noon Day Guns over the years, and each has its own story.
The Noon Day Gun has been silenced three times since 1900. The most celebrated interruption was in 1906, when signalman Tom Rose was ordered not to fire the gun on Sundays because it disrupted church services.
Public opinion soon overruled this decision, but the episode inspired Maurice A. Devine to write a poem that has become a part of St. John's history.

Depuis au moins 150 ans, midi est annoncé à Saint-Jean par un coup de canon tiré de Signal Hill. D'abord un signal militaire, cette pratique s'est poursuivie sous le gouvernement colonial après le départ de la garnison britannique en 1870.
Plusiers canons de midi se sont succédés au cours des années, chacun avec son histoire.

Le canon de midi a été réduit au silence trois fois seulement depuis 1900. L'interruption la plus remarquées survint en 1906, lorsqu'on ordonna au canonnier Tom Rose de ne pas tirer le canon le dimanche parce qu'il dérangeait la messe.
L'opinion publique eut tôt fait de faire renverser cette décision; mais l'épisode inspira à Maurice A. Devine un poème qui prit sa place dans l'histoire de Saint-Jean.

Captions, bottom row, left to right. (English / French):

The Noon Day Gun in use at the turn of the century was a 32-pounder cannon. / Au tournant du siècle, on utilisait un canon de 32 livres comme cannon de midi.; This field gun, a veteran of the Boar War, served as the Noon Day Gun in the Early 1900's. / Ce canon de campagne, un vétéran de la guerre des Boers, servit de canon de midi au début des années 1900.; Around 1930, a Hotchkiss gun from H.M.S. Briton (formerly Calypso) became the Noon Day Gun. / Vers 1930, un canon Hotchkiss provenant du H.M.S. Briton (autrefois le Calypso) devint le canon de midi.; A WWII anti-tank gun heralded the arrival of noon-hour for most of the 1960's. / Un canon anti-tank de la Deuxième Guerre monadical annonce midi pendant la plus grande partie des années 1960.

To read the poem Who stopped the gun? by Maurice A. Devine (the yellow side-bar on the right in the marker), please click on the image of the marker to enlarge it.
HM NumberHM1I0K
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Wednesday, November 26th, 2014 at 1:01pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)22T E 373482 N 5269878
Decimal Degrees47.56998333, -52.68213333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 47° 34.199', W 52° 40.928'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds47° 34' 11.94" N, 52° 40' 55.68" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 230 Signal Hill Rd, St. John's Newfoundland and Lab A1A 1B2, CA
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