Formerly Americus Felix Secundus
Built by Abraham Barnes in 1750
Extensively Enlarged by Philip Key
In 1796
Is Now Dedicated to All Citizens of
St. Mary's County
As a Free Public Library
The Gift of
Mary Patterson Davidson
In Memory of Those Who Gave Their
Lives For Their Country
1914-1914 — 1941-1945
World War I
Biscoe, Raymond G. Goody, Arthur L.
Biscoe, Thomas Hammett, Samuel
Biscoe, William Josiah Heard, Lewis Pope
Briscoe, R., Long, Norman Edward
Branson Joseph Henry Norris, John Francis
Casine, Clarence R. Pilkerton, James Archibald
Cole, James E. Schindler, Morris
Crocker, Edward Briscoe Somerville, James
Curtis, William Briscoe Stewart, George Edward
Dorsey, James Thomas Swann, Howard J.
Edgston, John Albert Tennison, Joseph E.
Foote, George B. Thomase, Elmer W.
Gantt, William J. Thompson, Charles Edward
Goddard, Benjamin H. Thompson Joseph X
World War II
Abell, John T. Jones, Stephen Harris
Alvey, James Allen Kennedy, Harold M.
Baer, John S Leyshon, Howard
Beck, Albert E. Markhan, David I.
Bohanan, Leo Joseph Mattingly, Joseph A.
Brown, Robert F, McCowan, Walter W., Jr.
Brown, Sylvester V. Moore, Silas Bruce
Bush, William W. Owens, Harrison Dominick
Clarke, John Richard Owens, Thomas Jefferson, Jr.
Dean, John C. Peabody, Hume, Jr.
Demko, John R. Pilkerton, James A.
Dise, Edward Vaughn Poe, Odell O,
Downs, Francise L. Quade, James A.
Duke, Walter F. St. Clair, Thomas E.
Ennels, Xavier, S. Sanner, Thomas L.
Everhart, Francis R. Shadrick, Thomas H.
Fahnestock, Adam Bruce Thomas, Robert V. H.
Gatton, James Walter Wathen, McQuire P.
Goldsborough, Raul Camillus, Jr. Wheeler, William Francis
Graves, William F. Willis, George Monroe, Jr.
Greenwell, James T. Wyche, Crosby
Hayden, Alerbert E. Yorkshier, William R.
Higgs, George C. Young, George S.
Hill, Jos. E. Young, Joseph N.
Hillerman Bill Joseph
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